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Résultat de la recherche des publications du SCAS

37 résultat(s) trouvé(s).

Comptes rendus (1996+)

Numéro  Région(s)  Titre  Auteur(s)/Personne(s) resource(s)  
2000/001 Région de la capitale nationale
Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of CSAS and RAP Coordinators; December 7-8, 1999.  
Rice, J.
2000/002 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Fisheries Management Studies Working Group; 12 January 2000  
Halliday, R.G.
2000/003 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; March 7-9, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Macdonald, A.
2000/004 Terre-Neuve et Labrador
Report of the Joint Science - Fisheries Management Policy Workshop on the Precautionary Approach; 27-28 September 1999.  
Atkinson, D.B.
2000/005 Région de la capitale nationale
Proceedings of the National Marine Mammal Review Committee Harp Seal Review Meeting; 11-12 April 2000.  
Rice, J.
2000/006   Retiré  
2000/007 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; May 1-5, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Macdonald, A.
2000/008 Maritimes
Compte rendu du Processus consultatif régional des provinces Maritimes concernant la crevette de l'est du plateau néo-écossais, le 23 novembre 1999  
2000/009 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Offshore Lobster (LFA 41), Jonah Crab and Rock Crab Stock Assessments Meeting Regional Advisory Process Maritimes Region; February 7-11, 2000.  
Kenchington, E.L.R.
2000/010 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Maritimes Regional Advisory Process of Inshore Scallop.  
Lavoie, R.
2000/011 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting; June 19-22, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Perry, R.I.
2000/012 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Annual Atlantic Salmon Stock Assessment Meeting Regional Advisory Process for the Maritimes and Gulf Fisheries Management Regions; December 13-15, 1999.  
Ritter, J.A.
2000/013 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Maritimes Regional Advisory Process of the Georges Bank Scallop Stock; 5 April 2000.  
Lavoie, R.
2000/014 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Workshop on the Ecosystem Considerations for the Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) Area; 19-23 June 2000.  
O'Boyle, R.N.
2000/015 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Habitat Subcommittee Meeting; August 22, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Pringle, J.D.
2000/016 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Pelagic Subcommittee Meeting; August 28-31, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Radfort, D.
2000/017 Terre-Neuve et Labrador
Final Report of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Fisheries Oceanography Committee Including the Report of the Workshop on the Cod Recruitment Dilemma; February 22-25, 2000.  
Swain, D.P.
Castonguay, M.
2000/018 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Workshop on Research Strategies into the Causes of Declining Atlantic Salmon Returns to North American Rivers, June 12-14, 2000.  
O'Neil, S.F.
Ritter, J.A.
Robichaud-Leblanc, K.A.
2000/019 Maritimes
Proceedings of the Green Sea Urchins Regional Advisory Process Maritimes Region; May 23-24 and 26, 2000.  
Marshall, T.L.
2000/020 Maritimes
Réunion du Groupe de travail du processus de consultation régionale (PCR) sur la CICTA; 18 juillet 2000.  
Stephenson, R.L.
2000/021 Région de la capitale nationale
2000 Redfish Zonal Assessment Process; 14-16 November 2000.  
Rice, J.
2000/022 Maritimes
Procès-verbaux des séances d'examen par les pairs pour le crabe des neiges du sud du Golfe St-Laurent Région de gestion des pêches du Golfe; du 18 au 20 janvier 2000.  
Chadwick, E.M.P.
2000/023 Centre & Arctique
Proceedings of the RAP Meeting on Eastern Beaufort Sea Beluga; 29-30 March, 2000.  
Papst, M.
Dueck, L.P.
2000/024 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Salmon Subcommittee Meeting; November 14-16, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Macdonald, A.
2000/025 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Groundfish Subcommittee Meeting; November 21-24, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Sinclair. Alan
2000/026 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Invertebrate Subcommittee Meeting; November 28-29, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Perry, R.I.
2000/027 Terre-Neuve et Labrador
Report of the Cod Mixing Workshop; 16-17 October 2000.  
Chouinard, G.A.
2000/028 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Workshop on the Effects of Acid Rain on the Atlantic Salmon Stocks of the Southern Upland Area of Nova Scotia; 1-3 March 2000.  
Ritter, J.A.
Rutherford, K.A.
2000/029 Pacifique
Report of the PSARC Habitat Subcommittee Meeting; December 12-13, 2000.  
Stocker, M.
Pringle, J.D.
2000/030 Terre-Neuve et Labrador
Proceedings of the Newfoundland Regional Advisory Process of the 3Ps Groundfish Stocks: Cod, American Plaice, and Witch Flounder; October 1999.  
Evans, G.T.
2000/031 Terre-Neuve et Labrador
Proceedings of the Newfoundland Regional Advisory Process for 2J3KL Cod and 3LNO Skate; March 2000.  
Evans, G.T.
2000/032 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Meeting on SPA 4 Scallops Regional Advisory Process, Maritimes Region; 13 September 2000.  
O'Boyle, R.
2000/033 Maritimes
Proceedings of a Meeting on Scotian Shelf Groundfish Stocks, Regional Advisory Process, Maritimes Region; 30 October- 3 November 2000.  
Hunt, J.J.
2000/034 Golfe
Proceedings of a Workshop on Effects of Land Use Practices on Fish, Shellfish, and their Habitats on Prince Edward Island; 6-10 December 1999.  
Caims, D.K.
2000/035 Terre-Neuve et Labrador
Proceedings of the March 2000 Newfoundland Region Salmonid Stock Assessment Meeting; November 1999 and March 2000.  
Dempson, J.B.
2000/036 Maritimes
Poisson de fond du sud du golf du Saint-Laurent; du 21 au 23 février 2000.  
Chaput, G.
2000/037 Québec
Comptes rendus du Processus Régional de Revue des Évaluations de Stocks de la Région Laurentienne suivant les activités de pêche de la saison 1999; 18 janvier au 18 février 2000.  
Bernier, D.

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