Résultat de la recherche des publications du SCAS
211 résultat(s) trouvé(s).
Document de recherche (1977+)
Numéro | Région(s) | Titre | Auteur(s)/Personne(s) resource(s) |
1999/001 |
1999/002 |
1999/003 |
1999/004 |
Maritimes |
Striped bass culture in eastern Canada.
Cairns, D.K. Robichaud-Leblanc, K.A. Bradford, R.G. Peterson, R.H. Angus, R. |
1999/005 |
1999/006 |
Maritimes |
Genetic investigations on striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Canadian Maritime provinces.
Robinson, M. Courtenay, S.C. |
1999/007 |
Maritimes |
Striped bass stocking programs in the United States: ecological and resource management issues.
Rulifson, R.A. Laney, R.W. |
1999/008 |
1999/009 |
Québec |
Prises et débarquements de capelan (Mallotus villosus) dans l'estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent pour 1998.
Grégoire, F. Poirier, G.A. LeBlanc, C. Lévesque, C. |
1999/010 |
Québec |
Résultats de la mission exploratoire d'hydroacoustique concernant le capelan (Mallotus villosus) de la côte ouest de Terre-Neuve.
Grégoire, F. Samson, Y. Beaulieu, J.-L. |
1999/011 |
Maritimes |
Évaluation du stock de crabe des neiges, Chionoecetes opilio, dans le sud du golfe du Saint-Laurent
Hébert, M.E. Wade, E.J. DeGrâce, P. Hébert, A. Biron, M. Moriyasu, M. |
1999/012 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of the 1998 snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fisheries off eastern Nova Scotia (Areas 20 to 24 (and 4X)), Canada.
Biron, M. Moriyasu, M. Wade, E.J. DeGrâce, P. Campbell, R. Hébert, M.E. |
1999/013 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Newfoundland East and Southeast Coast Herring - An Assessment of Stocks to the Spring of 1998.
Wheeler, J.P. Squires, B. Williams, P. |
1999/014 |
Pacifique |
Distribution and timing of herring spawning in British Columbia.
Hay, D.E. McCarter, P.B. |
1999/015 |
Pacifique |
Review of hydroacoustic methodology and Pacific hake biomass estimates for the Strait of Georgia, 1981 to 1998.
Kieser, R. Saunders, M.W. Cooke, K. |
1999/016 |
Pacifique |
Slope rockfish assessment for the West Coast of Canada in 1998.
Schnute, J.T. Olsen, N. Haigh, R. |
1999/017 |
Pacifique |
Flatfish Stock Assessment for the West Coast of Canada for 1998 and recommended yield options for 1999.
Fargo, J. |
1999/018 |
Maritimes |
Temperature conditions on the Scotian shelf and in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence relevant to snow crab.
Drinkwater, K.F. Pettipas, R.G. Petrie, W.M. |
1999/019 |
Québec |
Le crabe des neiges de l'estuaire et du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent: État des populations de 1995 à 1998.
Dufour, R. Dallaire, J.-P. |
1999/020 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Results of Surveys Directed at Cod in NAFO Division 3Ps.
McClintock, J. |
1999/021 |
Pacifique |
Stock Assessment for the British Columbia Herring in 1998 and Forecasts of the Potential Catch in 1999.
Schweigert, J.F. Fort, C. Tanasichuk, R.W. |
1999/022 |
Pacifique |
An Evaluation of the Natural Mortality Rate used in the assessment of British Columbia Herring Stocks.
Schweigert, J.F. Tanasichuk, R.W. Fort, C. |
1999/023 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of Cod in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, March 1999.
Chouinard, G.A. Sinclair, A.F. Currie, L. Poirier, G.A. Swain, D.P. |
1999/024 |
Maritimes |
Results of sentinel surveys for cod in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1998.
Chouinard, G.A. Parent, B. Daigle, D. Robichaud-Leblanc, K.A. |
1999/025 |
Maritimes |
Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks of the Maritimes Region, 1998.
Marshall, T.L. Chaput, G. Amiro, P.G. Cairns, D.K. Jones, R.A. O'Neil, S.F. Ritter, J.A. |
1999/026 |
Pacifique |
Catch Composition of British Columbia Shrimp Trawls and Preliminary estimates of bycatch - with empahsis on Eulachons.
Hay, D.E. Harbo, R. Southy, K. Clarke, J.R. Parker, G. McCarter, P.B. |
1999/027 |
Maritimes |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Buctouche River in 1998.
Atkinson, G. Sanipass, G. LeBlanc, V. LeBlanc, S. LeBlanc, N. |
1999/028 |
Pacifique |
Stock Assessment of Thompson River/Upper Fraser River Coho Salmon.
Irvine, J.R. Wilson, K.H. Rosenberger, B. Cook, R. |
1999/029 |
1999/030 |
Maritimes |
Annual and decadal change in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) abundance in eastern Canada.
Chaput, G. Prevost, E. |
1999/031 |
Maritimes |
The American lobster, Homarus Americanus, fishery in the Bay of Fundy (Lobster Fishing Areas 35, 36, and 38).
Lawton, P. Robichaud, D.A. Pezzack, D.S. Strong, M.B. Duggan, D.R. |
1999/032 |
Maritimes |
The American lobster, Homarus americanus, fishery off of Southwestern Nova Scotia (Lobster Fishing Area 34).
Pezzack, D.S. Lawton, P. Duggan, D.R. Robichaud, D.A. Strong, M.B. Gutt, I.M. |
1999/033 |
Pacifique |
An assessment of the status of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in British Columbia.
Olesiuk, P.F. |
1999/034 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Second Year Results of Surveys Directed at Cod in NAFO Division 3Ps.
McClintock, J. |
1999/035 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Population structure of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Newfoundland and Labrador area based on microsatellite variation.
Beacham, T.D. Brattey, J. Miller, K.M. Le, K.D. Withler, R.E. |
1999/036 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps.
Brattey, J. Cadigan, N.G. Lilly, G.R. Murphy, E.F. Shelton, P.A. Stansbury, D.E. |
1999/037 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Seasonal migration patterns of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Subdivision 3Ps based on tagging experiments during 1997-1998.
Brattey, J. Lawson, G.L. Rose, G.A. |
1999/038 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Estimation of coarse exploitation and migration rates of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO subdivisions 3Psc and 3KL during 1997 and 1998 based on tagging experiments.
Cadigan, N.G. Brattey, J. |
1999/039 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Oceanographic conditions in NAFO Subdivisions 3Pn and 3Ps during 1997 and 1998 with comparison to the long-term (1960-1990) average.
Colbourne, E.B. |
1999/040 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
A description of the 1998 Atlantic cod fishery in NAFO division 3Ps from port sampling and observer records compared to 1997.
Kulka, D.W. Inkpen, T. Mowbray, F.K. |
1999/041 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Acoustic surveys in Placentia Bay and 3Ps, June 1996-1998.
Rose, G.A. Lawson, G.L. |
1999/042 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
An assessment of cod stock in NAFO divisions in 2J+3KL.
Lilly, G.R. Shelton, P.A. Brattey, J. Cadigan, N.G. Murphy, E.F. Stansbury, D.E. |
1999/043 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Changes in the timing and location of cod spawning in Placentia Bay (NAFO sub-division 3Ps), 1997-1998.
Lawson, G.A. Rose, G.A. |
1999/044 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Relative strength of the 1998 year-class, from nearshorre surveys of demersal age 0 Atlantic cod in 3KL and in Newman Sound, Bonavista Bay.
Gregory, R.S. Methven, D.A. Schneider, D.C. Ings, D.W. |
1999/045 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Temporal trends in condition, gonado somatic index and maturity stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from Placentia Bay (subdivision 3Ps), Newfoundland, during 1998.
Bolon, A.D. Schneider, D.C. |
1999/046 |
Maritimes |
État de la limande à queue jaune dans la division 4T de l'OPANO en 1998.
Poirier, G.A. Morin, R.B. |
1999/047 |
Maritimes |
Évaluation de la plie rouge de la division 4T de l'OPANO.
Morin, R.B. Forest, I. Poirier, G.A. |
1999/048 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Oceanographic conditions in NAFO Divisions 2J 3KLMNO during 1998 with comparisons to the long-term (1961-1990) average.
Colbourne, E.B. |
1999/049 |
Maritimes |
Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, 1998.
Chaput, G. Moore, D. Hayward, J. Shaesgreen, J. Dubee, B. |
1999/050 |
Maritimes |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Tabusintac River in 1998 and summary of the 1996 stock assessment.
Douglas, S. Swasson, D. Bradford, R.G. Joe, M. |
1999/051 |
Maritimes |
Overview of meteorological and sea ice conditions off eastern Canada during 1998.
Drinkwater, K.F. Pettipas, R.G. Petrie, W.M. |
1999/052 |
Maritimes |
Physical Oceanographic conditions on the Scotian Shelf and in the Gulf of Maine during 1998.
Drinkwater, K.F. Pettipas, R.G. Petrie, L. |
1999/053 |
Pacifique |
Shelf Rockfish Assessment for 1998 and Recommended Yield Options for 1999.
Stanley, R.D. |
1999/054 |
Maritimes |
An assessment of the NAFO Division 4T Atlantic herring stock 1998.
Claytor, R.R. Leblanc, C. |
1999/055 |
Maritimes |
Mixed-stock analysis of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Cabot Strait approaches to the Gulf of St. Lawrence: a microsatellite DNA application.
Ruzzante, D.E. Taggart, C.T. Lang, S. Cook, D. |
1999/056 |
Maritimes |
The effect of water temperature on angling catch of Atlantic salmon in the Upsalquitch river.
Mowbray, F.K. Locke, A. |
1999/057 |
Maritimes |
Development of a Sea Surface Temperature Index for the Canadian East Coast; Nutrient and Dissolved Oxygen Variability on the Scotian Shelf: a Preliminary Report from the Zonal Monitoring Program.
Petrie, B.D. Yeats, P. Strain, P.M. |
1999/058 |
Pacifique |
Inshore Rockfish Stock Assessment for the West coast of Canada in 1998 and Recommendations for 2000.
Kronlund, A.R. Yamanaka, K.L. Workman, G.D. |
1999/059 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
American Plaice and Witch Flounder Catch Results from Surveys in NAFO Division 3Ps, Conducted by GEAC.
McClintock, J. |
1999/060 |
Maritimes |
Scallop stock update for SPA 6, Grand Manan and Southwest New Brunswick - 1998.
Butler, M.A.E. |
1999/061 |
Maritimes |
Scallop production Area 3: Stock status update for 1998.
Lundy, M.J. Smith, S.J. |
1999/062 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of the scallop stock in scallop production Area 1, Bay of Fundy for 1998.
Roddick, D.L. Lundy, M.J. Butler, M.A.E. Smith, S.J. |
1999/063 |
Maritimes |
Proposed acoustic survey design for the 4WX herring spawning components.
Melvin, G.D. Power, M.J. |
1999/064 |
Maritimes |
Evaluation of 4VWX herring.
Stephenson, R.L. Power, M.J. Clark, K.J. Melvin, G.D. Fife, J. Paul, S.D. Harris, L.E. Boates, S. |
1999/065 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Tag loss and reporting rates for 1997 and 1998 cod tagging experiments in 3Psc and 3KL.
Cadigan, N.G. Brattey, J. |
1999/066 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Distribution of 0 and 1 group cod in nearshore waters of Placentia Bay (NAFO Subdivision 3Ps), 1997 - 1998.
Robichaud, D.A. Rose, G.A. |
1999/067 |
Pacifique |
Pandalus hypsinotus, Humpback Shrimp: A Review of the Biology and a Recommended Assessment Framework for a Directed Fishery.
Boutillier, J.A. Nguyen, H. |
1999/068 |
Pacifique |
Review of 1997 Terminal Run of Somass River Chinook Salmon, and Terminal Run Forecast for 1998.
Riddell, B.E. Luedke, W. Till, J. |
1999/069 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of the Banquereau Bank Artic Surfclam, 1999.
Roddick, D.L. Smith, S.J. |
1999/070 |
Québec |
A review of information relevant to the issue of consumption of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) by seal species in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Hammill, M.O. Gosselin, J.-F. Proust, F. Chabot, D. |
1999/071 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Transport and development of cod eggs and larvae in Placentia Bay (3Ps) Newfoundland, 1997-1998.
Bradbury, I.R. Snelgrove, P.V.R. Fraser, S. |
1999/072 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of Haddock on Eastern Georges Bank.
Gavaris, S. VanEeckhaute, L. |
1999/073 |
Maritimes |
1999 update of stock status of Georges Bank (5Zjmnh) yellowtail flounder.
Neilson, J.D. Gavaris, S. Perley, P. |
1999/074 |
Maritimes |
Overview of 1998 Hydrographic Sampling Effort and Near-Surface Water Temperature and Salinity Conditions During the Canadian Research Vessel Groundfish Summer Surveys Conducted on the Scotian Shelf and in the Bay of Fundy (4VWX).
Losier, R.J. Page, F.H. McCurdy, P. Ringuette, M. McRuer, J.M. |
1999/075 |
Maritimes |
Overview of 1998 Hydrographic Sampling Effort and Near-50 meter Water Temperature and Salinity Conditions During the Canadian Research Vessel Groundfish Summer Surveys Conducted on the Scotian Shelf and in the Bay of Fundy (4VWX).
Losier, R.J. Page, F.H. Ringuette, M. McCurdy, P. McRuer, J.M. |
1999/076 |
Maritimes |
Overview of 1998 Hydrographic Sampling Effort and Near-Bottom Water Temperature and Salinity Conditions During the Canadian Research Vessel Groundfish Summer Surveys Conducted on the Scotian Shelf and in the Bay of Fundy (4VWX).
Losier, R.J. Page, F.H. McCurdy, P. Ringuette, M. McRuer, J.M. |
1999/077 |
Maritimes |
Population Status of Eastern Georges Bank Cod (unit Areas 5Zj,m) for 1978-99.
Hunt, J.J. Johnston, T.L. |
1999/078 |
Maritimes |
Preliminary Results of a Longline Survey in Georges Bank.
Johnston, T.L. Hunt, J.J. |
1999/079 |
Pacifique |
Reconstruction of B.C. sablefish stocks, 1996-1998 and catch projections for 1999, using an integrated catch-age recapture model with area and depth movement.
Haist, V. Fournier, D. Saunders, M.W. |
1999/080 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Year-class strength of Northern cod (2J3KL) and southern Grand Bank cod (3NO) estimated from the pelagic juvenile fish survey in 1998.
Anderson, J.T. Dalley, E.L. Davis, D.J. |
1999/081 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland region, 1998.
O'Connell, M.F. Dempson, J.B. Mullins, C.C. Reddin, D.G. Cochrane, D.G. Caines, D. |
1999/082 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in 1998.
Bourgeois, C.E. Murray, J. Mercer, V.L. |
1999/083 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Campbellton River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), in Newfoundland.
Downton, P.R. Reddin, D.G. |
1999/084 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
In-season forecast for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) returning to Campbellton River in 1998.
Reddin, D.G. |
1999/085 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Migration of Atlantic salmon kelts (Salmo salar L.) In relation to seawater temperature in Newfoundland, 1998.
Reddin, D.G. Dempson, J.B. Downton, P.R. Mullins, C.C. Friedland, K. |
1999/086 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1998.
O'Connell, M.F. Walsh, A.D. Cochrane, N.M. |
1999/087 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) Abundance in the Experimental Ponds Area relative to subsequent adult returns to Gander River as a index of marine survival: apparent evidence for density-dependant marine mortality.
Knoechel, R. Ryan, P.M. O'Connell, M.F. |
1999/088 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) In Indian Bay Brook, Middle Brook, and Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Northeast Brook, Trepassey (SFA 9), and Northeast River, Placentia (SFA 10), Newfoundland, in 1998.
O'Connell, M.F. Walsh, A.D. Cochrane, N.M. |
1999/089 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Rocky and Little rivers Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region in 1998.
Bourgeois, C.E. Murray, J. Mercer, V.L. |
1999/090 |
Pacifique |
Status of the coastal Pacific hake/whiting stock in U.S. and Canada in 1998.
Dorn, M.W. Saunders, M.W. Wilson, C.D. Guttormsen, M.A. Cooke, K. Kieser, R. Wilkins, M.E. |
1999/091 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The Labrador component of prefishery abundance of North America Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.) in 1998.
Reddin, D.G. |
1999/092 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon in Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1998.
Dempson, J.B. Furey, G. Bloom, M. |
1999/093 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon at Highlands River, Bay St. George, SFA 13, Newfoundland, 1998.
Dempson, J.B. Clarke, G. |
1999/094 |
Pacifique |
Discussion on a Precautionary approach for management of the red sea urchin fishery in British Columbia.
Campbell, A. Boutillier, J.A. Rogers, J. |
1999/095 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Populations in Crabbes River and Fischells Brook, Newfoundland, 1998.
Porter, T.R. |
1999/096 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status report for northern Labrador Arctic charr, 1998.
Dempson, J.B. Shears, M. |
1999/097 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill.) Population Dynamics and Recreational Fishery in Indian Bay Brook, Newfoundland (1995-1998).
van Zyll de Jong, M.C. Lester, N.P. Korver, R.M. Norris, W. Wicks, B.L. |
1999/098 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
A Model for managing Exploitation of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill.) in Indian Bay Brook, Newfoundland.
Lester, N.P. Korver, R.M. van Zyll de Jong, M.C. Norris, W. Wicks, B.L. |
1999/099 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Harry's River/Pinchgut Brook, Newfoundland, 1998.
Mullins, C.C. Caines, D. Lowe, S.L. |
1999/100 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Humber River, Newfoundland, 1998.
Mullins, C.C. Caines, D. |
1999/101 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of three selected rivers in Salmon Fishing Area 14A, 1998.
Mullins, C.C. Caines, D. Lowe, S.L. |
1999/102 |
1999/103 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Stock structure and seasonal migration patterns of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) based on inshore tagging experiments in Divs. 3KL during 1995-97.
Brattey, J. |
1999/104 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Inshore acoustic estimates of cod distributions near bottom in Bonavista Bay.
Anderson, J.T. Dalley, E.L. Murphy, A. Lang, C.C. |
1999/105 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Catch-at-Age of Northwest Atlantic Harp Seals 1952 - 1998.
Stenson, G.B. Sjare, B. Wakeham, D. |
1999/106 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Comments on Struck and Loss Estimates for Harp Seals in the Northwest Atlantic.
Sjare, B. Stenson, G.B. |
1999/107 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Recent trends in the population of Northwest Atlantic Harp Seals, Phoca groenlandica.
Stenson, G.B. Healey, B.P. Shelton, P.A. Sjare, B. |
1999/108 |
Maritimes |
Follow-up to the assessment of Atlantic salmon in selected rivers of Cape Breton Island, 1998.
Marshall, T.L. Rutherford, K.A. LeBlanc, P.H. Jones, R.A. |
1999/109 |
Maritimes |
Follow-up to the assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Saint John River drainage, N.B., 1998.
Marshall, T.L. Jones, R.A. Anderson, L. |
1999/110 |
Maritimes |
In-season forecast model for 1SW salmon returning to the Saint John River, New Brunswick in 1999.
Harvie, C.J. Marshall, T.L. |
1999/111 |
Pacifique |
A review of the biology and fisheries of the Goose barnacle (Pollicipes polymerus Sowerby, 1833).
Lauzier, R.B. |
1999/112 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Resource status of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off Baffin Island, Labrador and northeastern Newfoundland second interim review.
Parsons, D.G. Veitch, P.J. Evans, G.T. |
1999/113 |
Pacifique |
Review of the Fishery and assessment of the green sea urchin stocks in British Columbia, with Quota recommendations for 2000.
Perry, R.I. Waddell, B.J. |
1999/114 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Recent trends in the dominant pelagic fish species and environment in the Northwest Atlantic, NAFO 2J3KLNO.
Anderson, J.T. Dalley, E.L. Colbourne, E.B. |
1999/115 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Developing an overall indicator for monitoring temporal variation in fish size at age and its application to cod (Gadus morhua) in the Northwest Atlantic, NAFO subdivision 3Ps.
Chen, N.Y. Mello, L.G.S. |
1999/116 |
Pacifique |
Stock assessment and management frameworks for the proposed fishery for sea mussels (Mytilus califorianus) in British Columbia.
Gillespie, G.E. |
1999/117 |
Maritimes |
Status (1960-1997) of alewife and blueback herring stocks in the Scotia Fundy area as indicated by catch effort statistics.
Jessop, B.M. |
1999/118 |
Maritimes |
Groundfish fisheries in St. Georges Bay.
Sinclair, A.F. |
1999/119 |
Québec |
An assessment and risk projections of the West coast of Newfoundland (NAFO division 4R) herrings stocks (1965-2000).
McQuinn, I.H. Hammill, M.O. Lefebvre, L. |
1999/120 |
Québec |
An evaluation of the western Newfoundland herring acoustic abundance index from 1989-1997.
McQuinn, I.H. Lefebvre, L. |
1999/121 |
Pacifique |
Estimate of 1998 Recreational Halibut Catch in British Columbia Waters.
King, J.R. Gjernes, T.W. |
1999/122 |
Pacifique |
Halibut by-catch in the British Columbia Shrimp Trawl Fishery.
Boutillier, J.A. Bond, J.A. Nguyen, H. |
1999/123 |
Pacifique |
Scientific concepts for ecosystem-based management of marine invertebrates on Canada's Pacific Coast.
Perry, R.I. |
1999/124 |
Pacifique |
Evaluation of a new assessment and management framework for west coast shrimp stocks.
Boutillier, J.A. Bond, J.A. Nguyen, H. |
1999/125 |
Pacifique |
Forecast for southern British Columbia coho salmon in 1999.
Holtby, B. Irvine, J.R. Tanasichuk, R.W. Simpson, K.M. |
1999/126 |
Pacifique |
Trends in abundance and pre-season 1999 stock size forecasts for major sockeye, pink and chum salmon stocks in northern British Columbia.
Wood, C.C. Rutherford, D.T. Jantz, L. |
1999/127 |
Pacifique |
A review of hooking mortality rates for marine recreational coho and chinook salmon fisheries in British Columbia.
Cox-Rogers, S. Gjernes, T.W. Fast, E. |
1999/128 |
Pacifique |
1999 Assessment of Thompson River/ Upper Fraser River Coho Salmon.
Irvine, J.R. Bailey, R.E. Bradford, M.J. Kadowaki, R.K. Shaw, W.S. |
1999/129 |
Pacifique |
Run size forecasts for Fraser River sockey and pink salmon in 1999.
Cass, A. |
1999/130 |
Pacifique |
Implications on assessment of the British Columbia prawn populations with the adoption of a quota management system.
Boutillier, J.A. Bond, J.A. |
1999/131 |
Pacifique |
A Review of the Biology and Fisheries of the Box Crab (Lopholithodes foraminatus Stimpson) in British Columbia.
Zhang, Z.Y. Workman, G.D. Phillips, A.C. |
1999/132 |
Québec |
L'état du stock de sébaste de l'unité 1 (Gulf of St. Lawrence) en 1998
Morin, R.B. Bernier, B. St.-Hilaire, N. |
1999/133 |
Pacifique |
Status of Coho Salmon Stocks Adjacent to the Strait of Georgia, including the lower Fraser River.
Simpson, K.M. Semple, R.E. Baillie, S. Adkins, B. Lehmann, S. |
1999/134 |
Centre & Arctique |
Genetic variation among populations of bowhead whales summering in Canadian waters.
Maiers, L.D. de March, B.G.E. Clayton, J.W. Dueck, L.P. Cosens, S.E. |
1999/135 |
Centre & Arctique |
Age classes of bowhead whales summering in northern Foxe Basin.
Cosens, S.E. Blouw, A. |
1999/136 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of the Newfoundland and Labrador Snow Crab Resource in 1998.
Dawe, E.G. |
1999/137 |
Maritimes |
Questionnaire Survey of the Coastal Nova Scotia Herring Fishery, 1998.
Clark, K.J. Rogers, D. Boyd, H. Stephenson, R.L. |
1999/138 |
Maritimes |
Report of the 1998-1999 4VWX Herring and Mackerel Tagging Program and Plans for 1999-2000.
Paul, S.D. |
1999/139 |
Pacifique |
Effects of sediments on fish and their habitat.
Birtwell, I.K. |
1999/140 |
Pacifique |
Biological Assessment of Skeena River coho salmon.
Holtby, B. Finnegan, B. Chen, D.G. Peacock, D. |
1999/141 |
Pacifique |
Sea cucumber phase 1 fishery progress report.
Hand, C.M. Rogers, J. |
1999/142 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Plankton and Nekton of the Northeast Newfoundland shelf and Grand Banks in 1998.
Dalley, E.L. Anderson, J.T. Davis, D.J. |
1999/143 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Assessment of the 1998 Newfoundland and Labrador snow crab fishery.
Taylor, D.M. O'Keefe, P.G. |
1999/144 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Stock Status of Witch Flounder in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps.
Bowering, W.R. |
1999/145 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
An assessment of American plaice in Subdivision 3Ps.
Morgan, M.J. Brodie, W.B. Walsh, S.J. Power, D.J. |
1999/146 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Surplus production analysis of St. Pierre Bank American plaice (NAFO subdiv. 3Ps).
Walsh, S.J. |
1999/147 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of 4X Haddock in 1998 and the first half of 1999.
Hurley, P. Black, G.A.P. Comeau, P.A. Mohn, R.K. |
1999/148 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of the Scotian Shelf silver hake population in 1998.
Showell, M.A. Fanning, L.P. |
1999/149 |
Maritimes |
Reconciliation of processed catch statistics with log data for 1992-97 flatfish in 4VWX/5Y.
Fowler, G.M. Stobo, W.T. |
1999/150 |
Pacifique |
Status of the Olympia Oyster, Ostrea conchaphila, in Canada.
Gillespie, G.E. |
1999/151 |
Maritimes |
1999 Summer Groundfish Survey update for selected Scotia-Fundy groundfish stocks.
Branton, R.M. Black, G.A.P. |
1999/152 |
Maritimes |
Update on the Status of Unit 3 Redfish, 1999.
Branton, R.M. |
1999/153 |
Pacifique |
A Review of the Biology and Fisheries of the Pink Scallop and Spiny Scallop.
Lauzier, R.B. Parker, G. |
1999/154 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Trends in spring and winter research CPUE of shrimp in Hawke Channel, 1994-1999.
Rose, G.A. Hiscock, W. |
1999/155 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The status of Redfish in Unit 2.
Power, D.J. |
1999/156 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The status of Redfish in Div. 3O.
Power, D.J. |
1999/157 |
Maritimes |
Processed weight to live weight conversion factors for Atlantic halibut of the Scotian shelf and southern Grand Banks.
Zwanenburg, K.C.T. Wilson, S. |
1999/158 |
Maritimes |
An analytical assessment of the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) population in the northwest Atlantic.
Campana, S.E. Marks, L. Joyce, W. Hurley, P. Showell, M.A. Kulka, D.W. |
1999/159 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of cod in division 4X in 1999.
Clark, D.S. Paul, S.D. |
1999/160 |
Maritimes |
The 1999 Assessment of Pollock (Pollachius virens) in NAFO Divisions 4VWX and Subdivision 5Zc.
Neilson, J.D. Perley, P. Nelson, C. Johnston, T.L. Zwanenburg, K.C.T. |
1999/161 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps in October 1999.
Brattey, J. Cadigan, N.G. Lilly, G.R. Murphy, E.F. Shelton, P.A. Stansbury, D.E. |
1999/162 |
Maritimes |
Résultats préliminaires du relevé de septembre 1999 sur les poissons de fond dans le sud du Golfe du Saint-Laurent
Poirier, G.A. Chouinard, G.A. Swain, D.P. Hurlbut, T. LeBlanc, C. Morin, R.B. |
1999/163 |
Pacifique |
A Review of the Biology and Fisheries for Purple Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Stimpson, 1857) and Discussion of the Assessment Needs for a Proposed Fishery.
Workman, G.D. |
1999/164 |
Pacifique |
An assessment of Kitsumkalum River summer chinook, a north coast indicator stock.
McNicol, R.E. |
1999/165 |
Pacifique |
Review of 1998 Terminal Run of Somass River Chinook Salmon, 1998 WCVI Extensive Escapement Indicators, and Somass Terminal Run Forecast for 1999.
Riddell, B.E. Luedke, W. Till, J. Patten, B. |
1999/166 |
Pacifique |
Assessment of Coho Stocks on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, 1998.
Baillie, S. Patten, B. Till, J. Simpson, K.M. Luedke, W. Tschaplinski, P. |
1999/167 |
Pacifique |
An evaluation of inseason echosounding estimates of British Columbian herring biomass.
Tanasichuk, R.W. |
1999/168 |
Pacifique |
Natural mortality rates of adult Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) from southern British Columbia.
Tanasichuk, R.W. |
1999/169 |
Pacifique |
Status of Clockwork Chum Salmon Stock and Review of the Clockwork Management Strategy.
Ryall, P. Murray, C. Palermo, R.V. Bailey, D. Chen, D.G. |
1999/170 |
Maritimes |
Scallop production areas 4 and 5 in the Bay of Fundy: Stock status update for 1999.
Smith, S.J. Lundy, M.J. Claytor, R.R. |
1999/171 |
Maritimes |
Scallop production areas 2, 3 and 7 in the Bay of Fundy: Stock status update for 1999.
Smith, S.J. Lundy, M.J. Claytor, R.R. |
1999/172 |
Maritimes |
La pêche à la crevette (Pandalus borealis) sur le plateau Néo-Écossais en 1999
Koeller, P.A. Covey, M. King, M. |
1999/173 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of the scallop stock in scallop production area 1, Bay of Fundy for the fall of 1999.
Roddick, D.L. Claytor, R.R. Lundy, M.J. Butler, M.A.E. Smith, S.J. |
1999/174 |
Maritimes |
Scallop stock update for the Grand Manan and Southwest New Brunswick, SPA 6 - 1999.
Butler, M.A.E. Lundy, M.J. Roddick, D.L. |
1999/175 |
Pacifique |
Age of sexual maturation and recruitment in Pacific herring.
Hay, D.E. McCarter, P.B. |
1999/176 |
Pacifique |
Pacific herring tagging from 1936-1992: a re-evaluation of homing based on additional data.
Hay, D.E. McCarter, P.B. Daniel, K.S. |
1999/177 |
Pacifique |
Distribution of spawning eulachon stocks in the central coast of British Columbia as indicated by larval surveys.
McCarter, P.B. Hay, D.E. |
1999/178 |
Pacifique |
Stock assessment for British Columbia herring in 1999 and forecasts of the potential catch in 2000.
Schweigert, J. Fort, C. |
1999/179 |
Pacifique |
Assessment of by-catch in the 1997 and 1998 shrimp trawl fisheries in British Columbia, with emphasis on eulachons.
Hay, D.E. Harbo, R. Boutillier, J.A. Wylie, E. Convey, L. McCarter, P.B. |
1999/180 |
Maritimes |
Evaluation of the 1998 4WX herring acoustic surveys.
Melvin, G.D. Scheidl, T. Fife, F.J. Power, M.J. Boates, S. Clark, K.J. Stephenson, R.L. |
1999/181 |
Maritimes |
Compilation of available information regarding the Scotian Shelf herring spawning component.
Harris, L.E. Stephenson, R.L. |
1999/182 |
Centre & Arctique |
Status of anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) of the Hornaday River, Northwest Territories, as assessed through community-based sampling of the subsistence fishery, August-September 1990-1998.
Harwood, L.A. |
1999/183 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
A factor to convert meat weight to round weight in the Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica, in Newfoundland.
Naidu, K.S. Cahill, F.M. Seward, E.M. |
1999/184 |
Pacifique |
Slope Rockfish Assessment for the West Coast of Canada in 1999.
Schnute, J.T. Olsen, N. Haigh, R. |
1999/185 |
Québec |
Évaluation et biologie du flétan du Groenland (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) du golfe du Saint-Laurent (4RST) en 1998.
Morin, R.B. Bernier, B. |
1999/186 |
Pacifique |
Forecast for northern British Columbia coho salmon in 1999.
Holtby, B. Finnegan, B. Spilsted, B.P. |
1999/187 |
Pacifique |
A Review of California Mussel (Mytilus californianus) Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Programs.
Schmidt, D. |
1999/188 |
Maritimes |
Hydrological Conditions for Atlantic Salmon Rivers in the Maritime Provinces in 1997.
Caissie, D. |
1999/189 |
Maritimes |
Hydrological Conditions for Atlantic Salmon Rivers in the Maritime Provinces in 1998.
Caissie, D. |
1999/190 |
Pacifique |
Review of Status of Northern, or Pinto, Abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, in Canada.
Jamieson, G. |
1999/191 |
Pacifique |
A Habitat Based Evaluation of Okanagan Sockeye Salmon Escapement Objectives.
Hyatt, K.D. Rankin, D.P. |
1999/192 |
Pacifique |
Hexactinellid Sponge Reefs on the British Columbia Continental Shelf: Geological and Biological Structure with a Perspective on their Role in the Shelf Ecosystem.
Conway, K.W. |
1999/193 |
Pacifique |
Distribution, Abundance, Biology and Fisheries Potential of the Exotic Varnish Clam (Nuttallia obscurata) in British Columbia.
Gillespie, G.E. Parker, M. Merilees, W. |
1999/194 |
Pacifique |
A review of assessment tools for data-limited fisheries.
Zhang, Z.Y. |
1999/195 |
Pacifique |
Sablefish Stock Assessment for 1999 and Recommended Yield Options for 2000 and 2001.
Haist, V. Hilborn, R. Saunders, M.W. |
1999/196 |
Pacifique |
Survey Design Considerations for Pacific Cod in Hecate Strait.
Sinclair, A.F. |
1999/197 |
Pacifique |
Review of the Area 7 Manila Clam Fishery.
Gillespie, G.E. Norgard, T.C. Scurrah, F.E. |
1999/198 |
Pacifique |
Framework for goose barnacle (Pollicipes polymerus Sowerby, 1833) fishery in waters off the West Coast of Canada.
Lauzier, R.B. |
1999/199 |
Pacifique |
Flatfish Stock Assessments for the west coast of Canada for 1999 and Recommended Yield Options for 2000.
Fargo, J. |
1999/200 |
Pacifique |
Pacific Hake - Strait of Georgia Stock Assessment for 1999 and Recommended Yield Options for 2000.
Saunders, M.W. McFarlane, G.A. |
1999/201 |
Pacifique |
Quota options for the Red Sea urchin fishery in British Columbia for fishing season 2001.
Campbell, A. Hajas, W.C. Bureau, D. |
1999/202 |
Pacifique |
A progress report on the control of growth and recruitment overfishing in the shrimp trap fishery in British Columbia.
Boutillier, J.A. Bond, J.A. |
1999/203 |
Pacifique |
Canary rockfish assessment for 1999 and recommended yield options for 2001.
Stanley, R.D. |
1999/204 |
Pacifique |
Life history of Pacific sardine and a suggested framework for determining a B.C. catch quota.
Ware, D.M. |
1999/205 |
Pacifique |
Review of the fisheries and biology of the Pacific Hagfish (Eptatretus stoutii) in British Columbia, with recommendations for biological sampling in a developmental fishery.
Leask, K.D. Beamish, R.J. |
1999/206 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Capelin in SA2 + Div.3KL.
1999/207 |
Pacifique |
Optimal Production of Chinook Salmon from the Taku River.
McPherson, S.A. Bernard, D.R. Clark, J.H. |
1999/208 |
Pacifique |
Optimal Production of Chinook Salmon from the Stikine River.
Bernard, D.R. McPherson, S.A. Pahlke, K.A. Etherton, P. |
1999/209 |
Pacifique |
Phase 1 framework for undertaking an ecological assessment of the outer rocky intertidal zone.
Jamieson, G. Lauzier, R.B. Gillespie, G.E. |
1999/210 |
Pacifique |
An evaluation on criteria for creating MPAs in the Pacific Region: A proposed semi-quantitative scheme.
Levings, C.D. Jamieson, G. |
1999/211 |
Pacifique |
Review of current practices to reduce the risk of introducing non-indigenous species into Pacific region via ballast water.
Levings, C.D. |
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