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CSAS Publications Search Results

125 file(s) found.

Research Documents (1977+)

Number  Region(s)  Title  Author(s)/Contact(s)  
1992/001 Gulf
Estimating and incorporating parameter uncertainty when returns of Atlantic salmon are derived from angling catches
Chaput, G.
1992/002 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) target spawning requirements for the Exploits River and status of the stock 1960-1991
Bourgeois, C.E.
Murray, J.
1992/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
Summary of catch statistics by sub-area and assessment unit for the northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon fisheries in 1991
Dempson, J.B.
Shears, M.
1992/004 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, Newfoundland, in 1991
Dempson, J.B.
1992/005 Newfoundland & Labrador
Interannual variation in fecundity of Atlantic salmon from Conne River, Newfoundland
Dempson, J.P.
O'Connell, M.F.
1992/006 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the Voisey stock unit Arctic charr population in 1991
Dempson, J.B.
1992/007 Newfoundland & Labrador
Assessment of the Nain stock unit Arctic charr population in 1991
Dempson, J.B.
1992/008 Newfoundland & Labrador
Methods for in-season evaluation of salmon abundance, Newfoundland Region, 1991
Dempson, J.B.
Reddin, D.G.
O'Connell, M.F.
Porter, T.R.
1992/009 Newfoundland & Labrador
The 1991 inshore capelin fishery in NAFO Div. 3K
Nakashima, B.S.
Harnum, R.W.
1992/010 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) target spawning requirement and status of the Rocky River stock 1983-1991
Bourgeois, C.E.
Davis, J.P.
O'Brien, J.
1992/011 Gulf
Review of the western Cape Breton Island snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery for 1990 and 1991
Chiasson, Y.
Campbell, R.
Moriyasu, M.
1992/012 Gulf
The Prince Edward Island snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) stock assessment for 1991
Chiasson, Y.
DeGrâce, P.
Gallant, C.
Moriyasu, M.
1992/013 Gulf
Surpluses to salmon spawning requirements in Gulf N.B. rivers
Courtenay, S.C.
Moore, D.
Pickard, P.R.
1992/014 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1991
Courtenay, S.C.
Pickard, P.R.
Landry, G.
Madden, A.
Nielsen, G.A.
1992/015 Newfoundland & Labrador
Observations and studies on SA2 + Div. 3k capelin in 1991
Miller, D.S.
1992/016 Maritimes
Perfunctory estimates of allowable harvests of Atlantic salmon in 18 rivers of Scotia-Fundy Region
Marshall, T.L.
Amiro, P.G.
Ritter, J.A.
Jessop, B.M.
Cutting, R.E.
O'Neil, S.F.
1992/017 Maritimes
Review of Atlantic salmon stocks of inner Bay of Fundy rivers, 1991
Amiro, P.G.
1992/018 Newfoundland & Labrador
Capelin in NAFO Div. 2J3KL
Carscadden, J.E.
1992/019 Gulf
Évaluation de l'état du stock de crabe des neiges (Chionoecetes opilio) dans le sud-ouest du golfe du Saint-Laurent en 1991  
Hallet, P.
Hébert, M.E.
Gallant, C.
Moriyasu, M.
1992/020 Maritimes
Update on the fishing season extension issue in Lobster Fishing Area 36
Lawton, P.
Robichaud, D.A.
1992/021 Maritimes
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy Region, 1991
Amiro, P.G.
Cutting, R.E.
Jessop, B.M.
Marshall, T.L.
O'Neil, S.F.
1992/022 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1991
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Porter, T.R.
Reddin, D.G.
Ash, E.G.M.
Cochrane, N.M.
1992/023 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in selected rivers with counting facilities in the Newfoundland Region
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
1992/024 Newfoundland & Labrador
Trial use of a claw gauge as an alternate measure of minimum legal size in the snow crab fishery of eastern Cape Breton (Area 23)
Tremblay, M.J.
Eagles, M.D.
Elner, R.W.
1992/025 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1989-91
O'Connell, M.F.
Ash, E.G.M.
1992/026 Gulf
National Capital Region
Assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1991
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
Forsythe, L.
1992/027 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of the abundance of the Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica, on Green Bank (NAFO Div. 3Ps)
Naidu, K.S.
Cahill, F.M.
1992/028 Gulf
The status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Humber River/Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 1991
Chaput, G.
Mullins, C.C.
1992/029 Maritimes
Assessment of haddock on eastern Georges Bank
Gavaris, S.
VanEeckhaute, L.
1992/030 Gulf
The 1991 4T herring gillnet questionnaire
Nielsen, G.A.
1992/031 Newfoundland & Labrador
A re-examination of the abundance of Iceland scallops, Chlamys islandica, along the northern edge of St. Pierre Bank (NAFO Div. 3Ps)
Naidu, K.S.
Cahill, F.M.
1992/032 Newfoundland & Labrador
Effects of changing fishing mortality on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) egg deposition in Gander River
Porter, T.R.
O'Connell, M.F.
1992/033 Maritimes
Update of the Scotian Shelf shrimp fishery - 1991
Butler, M.A.E.
Robert, G.
1992/034 Maritimes
Scallop fishing grounds on the Scotian Shelf - 1991
Robert, G.
Butler, M.A.E.
1992/035 Newfoundland & Labrador
An investigation into an alleged mass mortality of Iceland scallops, Chlamys islandica, off Perch Rocks, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland
Naidu, K.S.
Seward, E.M.
1992/036 Newfoundland & Labrador
Results of the inshore effort survey for 2J3KL cod, 1989-91
Davis, M.B.
1992/037 Newfoundland & Labrador
Description of the inshore fishery during 1991 for 2J3KL cod as reported by inshore fisherpersons
Davis, M.B.
1992/038 Gulf
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River in 1991
Moore, D.S.
Courtenay, S.C.
Claytor, R.R.
Pickard, P.R.
1992/039 Maritimes
An assessment of eastern Scotian Shelf haddock for 1992
Zwanenburg, K.C.T.
1992/040 Gulf
An update on the biological characteristics and status of Atlantic salmon in the Morell River, Prince Edward Island
Davidson, K.G.
Bielak, A.T.
1992/041 Maritimes
1991 Digby (Bay of Fundy) scallop stock assessment
Kenchington, E.L.R.
Lundy, M.J.
1992/042 Maritimes
Brier Island revisited: A 1991 scallop stock status report
Lundy, M.J.
Kenchington, E.L.R.
1992/043 Quebec
Détermination d'une taille minimale de capture pour le crabe commun Cancer irroratus dans la baie des Chaleurs, Québec, à partir d'une analyse de rendement par recrue. Analyse préliminaire  
Gendron, L.
1992/044 Maritimes
Assessment of pollock (Pollachius virens) in Divisions 4VWX and Subdivision 5Zc for 1991
Annand, M.C.
Beanlands, D.
1992/045 Maritimes
Discrimination of the 4Vs/4T cod stocks using otolith shape analysis
Campana, S.E.
Casselman, J.M.
1992/046 Maritimes
Status of the 1991 4X cod fishery
Campana, S.E.
Hamel, J.
1992/047 Maritimes
Use of backcalculations on NAFO Subdivision 5Ze cod otoliths for the correct assignment of settling checks and first annuli
Buzeta, M.-I.
1992/048 Maritimes
Status of the Atlantic cod stock on Georges Bank in unit areas 5Zj and 5Zm, 1978-91
Hunt, J.J.
Buzeta, M.-I.
1992/049 Newfoundland & Labrador
Newfoundland east and southeast coast herring - 1991 assessment
Wheeler, J.P.
Winters, G.H.
Chaulk, R.
1992/050 Newfoundland & Labrador
Newfoundland southeast coast herring - 1992 acoustic survey results
Wheeler, J.P.
1992/051 Gulf
Catches of 4T-Vn (Jan.-Apr.) cod in the 4Vs winter fishery, 1980-1992
Hanson, J.M.
Nielsen, G.A.
1992/052 Quebec
Revue de la stratégie d'échantillonnage des oeufs utilisée lors des croisières d'évaluation de la biomasse reproductrice du maquereau bleu (Scomber scombrus L.) du golfe du St-Laurent
Grégoire, F.
1992/053 Quebec
Suivi des captures de maquereau bleu (Scomber scombrus L.) en 1991 pour les sous-régions 2 à 6 de l'OPANO et évaluation de la biomasse reproductrice du golfe du St-Laurent
Grégoire, F.
1992/054 Maritimes
Assessment of 4VsW cod in 1991
Mohn, R.K.
MacEachern, W.J.
1992/055 Gulf
Status of the 4T-Vn (Jan.-Apr.) cod stock in 1992
Hanson, J.M.
Chouinard, G.A.
Nielsen, G.A.
Currie, L.G.
1992/056 Newfoundland & Labrador
An account of the annual variability in 2J3KL cod trap landings relative to stock biomass and sea temperatures
Rose, G.A.
1992/057 Quebec
Cycle de ponte, développement des ovocytes et résultats préliminaires concernant la fécondite en lots chez le maquereau (Scomber scombrus L.) du nord-ouest de l'Atlantique
Grégoire, F.
1992/058 Maritimes
Variability of trawl performance on Scotia-Fundy groundfish surveys
Strong, M.B.
1992/059 Quebec
Évaluation du stock de sébaste (Sebastes spp.) du golfe du Saint-Laurent: 4RST + 3Pn4Vn (jan. - mai)
Morin, R.B.
Bernier, B.
1992/060 Quebec
Les captures accessoires sur les crevettiers et les sébastiers du golfe du Saint-Laurent
Hurtubise, S.
Fréchet, A.
Savard, L.
1992/061 Newfoundland & Labrador
Why was inshore capelin (Mallotus villosus) spawning delayed during 1991?
Carscadden, J.E.
Frank, K.
Nakashima, B.S.
1992/062 Newfoundland & Labrador
An overview of capelin in SA2 + Div. 3K and Div. 3L during 1991
Carscadden, J.E.
1992/063 Maritimes
Assessment of 4X haddock in 1991
Hurley, P.C.F.
Simon, J.E.
Frank, K.
1992/064 Gulf
The Cape Breton experiment on legal minimum lobster size increase: an intermediate report
Maynard, D.
Savoie, F.
Landsburg, W.
Roach, G.
Wade, E.J.
1992/065 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of redfish in the Laurentian Channel management unit
Power, D.J.
1992/066 Gulf
Application of a multiplicative model to research survey data from two cod stocks
Sinclair, A.F.
Chouinard, G.A.
1992/067 Maritimes
Comparison of Canadian and United States larval herring surveys on Georges Bank 1987-91
Melvin, G.D.
Fife, F.J.
1992/068 Maritimes
Georges Bank (5Z) herring 1992 Update
Melvin, G.D.
Sochasky, J.B.
Power, M.J.
Fife, F.J.
Dougherty, W.H.
1992/069 Maritimes
1991 4WX herring assessment
Stephenson, R.L.
Power, M.J.
Sochasky, J.B.
Dougherty, W.H.
Fife, F.J.
Melvin, G.D.
Lane, D.E.
1992/070 Newfoundland & Labrador
A review of the west coast of Newfoundland (NAFO Division 4R) herring fishery data up to 1991
McQuinn, I.H.
Lefebvre, L.
Konan, A.
1992/071 Newfoundland & Labrador
Analysis of offshore capelin catch rate data in NAFO Divs. 2J3KL for the period 1978-90
Shelton, P.A.
Kulka, D.W.
Carscadden, J.E.
1992/072 Newfoundland & Labrador
Some observations on the biomass and abundance of fish captured during stratified random bottom trawl surveys in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL, Fall 1981-1991
Atkinson, D.B.
1992/073 Maritimes
Results of the 1991-92 herring acoustic surveys in NAFO Div. 4WX
Buerkle, U.
1992/074 Maritimes
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B., above Mactaquac, 1991
Marshall, T.L.
1992/075 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL
Baird, J.W.
Bishop, C.A.
Brodie, W.B.
Murphy, E.F.
1992/076 Gulf
Assessment of Atlantic herring in NAFO Division 4T, 1991
Claytor, R.R.
Nielsen, G.A.
Dupuis, H.M.C.
Mowbray, F.K.
1992/077 Quebec
Assessment of the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock (3Pn, 4RS) in 1991
Fréchet, A.
Schwab, P.
1992/078 Newfoundland & Labrador
The status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Gulf Region, western Newfoundland and southern Labrador, 1991
Mullins, C.C.
Jones, R.A.
1992/079 Maritimes
Grand Manan and Cape Spencer scallop stock update: 1990-1991
Robinson, S.M.C.
Martin, J.D.
Chandler, R.A.
1992/080 Maritimes
Assessment of a large mortality event of scallops in the Bay of Fundy
Robinson, S.M.C.
Martin, J.D.
Chandler, R.A.
1992/081 Maritimes
Subdivision 4Vn Cod (May - December): Update of stock status for 1991
Lambert, T.C.
1992/082 Gulf
White hake (Urophycis tenuis) from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence: a review of the fishery in 1990 and 1991
Hurlbut, T.
Chouinard, G.A.
1992/083 Quebec
Étude d'évolution spatio-temporelle des populations de capelan du Golfe du Saint-Laurent
Lambert, J.-D.
Roby, D.
1992/084 Quebec
The distribution of cod (Gadus morhua L.) in relation to oxygen level and temperature in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence
D'Amours, D.
1992/085 Quebec
Évaluation du stock de flétan du Groenland (Reinhardtius hippppoglossoides) du Golfe du Saint-Laurent
Morin, R.B.
Fréchet, A.
Aparicio, M.
Lefebvre, L.
Bernier, B.
1992/086 Quebec
Évaluation de gisements de mactre de Stimpson, Mactromeris polynyma, dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent: Resultats préliminaires
Landry, T.
Wade, E.J.
Giguère, M.
1992/087 Newfoundland & Labrador
Locaton of offshore fishing effort in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps in 1990, 1991 and 1992 from Canadian surveillance data
Gelinas, R.
Rivard, D.
1992/088 Newfoundland & Labrador
Predator stomachs as sampling tools for prey distribution: cod and capelin
Fahrig, L.
Lilly, G.R.
Miller, D.S.
1992/089 Newfoundland & Labrador
Model estimates of harp seal population trajectories in the Northwest Atlantic
Shelton, P.A.
Cadigan, N.G.
Stenson, G.B.
1992/090 Maritimes
An aerial survey estimate of 1989 grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pup production in St. George's Bay, Nova Scotia
Hammill, M.O.
Myers, R.A.
Stenson, G.B.
1992/091 Quebec
Mark-recapture estimates of non-Sable Island grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pup production
Hammill, M.O.
Stenson, G.B.
Myers, R.A.
Stobo, W.T.
1992/092 Newfoundland & Labrador
Estimation of trap selectivity for male snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) using the SELECT modelling approach with unequal effort data
Xu, X.
Millar, R.B.
Hoenig, J.M.
Dawe, E.G.
1992/093 Quebec
The use of parasites for separating stocks of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Atlantic Ocean off Canada
Arthur, R.
Albert, E.
1992/094 Newfoundland & Labrador
Monitoring fluctuations in pelagic fish availability with seabirds
Montevecchi, W.A.
Myers, R.A.
1992/095 Quebec
L'utilisation de l'hydroacoustique comme outil d'échantillonnage pour les relevés sur les mollusques: Résultats préliminaires
Giguère, M.
Landry, T.
1992/096 Quebec
Geostatistical estimations and maps of the northern shrimp biomass in the Gulf of St. Lawrence from 1990 to 1992, by size group and for all sizes together
Simard, Y.
Benoît, J.
1992/097 Newfoundland & Labrador
Cold water and recruitment in 2J3KL cod
Myers, R.A.
Drinkwater, K.F.
Barrowman, N.J.
1992/098 Newfoundland & Labrador
The influence of salinity on cod recruitment in the Newfoundland Region
Myers, R.A.
Drinkwater, K.F.
Barrowman, N.J.
Baird, J.W.
1992/099 Quebec
Genetic variation in Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, from the St. Lawrence system and the northwest Atlantic
Sévigny, J.-M.
Ross, G.
Archambault, D.
Parent, E.
1992/100 Gulf
Preliminary analysis of research survey and commercial indices for 4TVn cod up to 1992
Sinclair, A.F.
1992/101 Maritimes
AFAP climate studies in the Scotia-Fundy Region
Drinkwater, K.F.
1992/102 Maritimes
Overview of environmental conditions on Eastern Canadian continental shelves in 1991
Drinkwater, K.F.
1992/103 Maritimes
Review of management measures for 1991 Scotia-Fundy groundfish fishery
Annand, M.C.
1992/104 Gulf
Expected yield for the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock with and without a winter fishery
Chouinard, G.A.
1992/105 Gulf
Examination of the status of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock following the 1992 fall groundfish survey
Chouinard, G.A.
Hanson, J.M.
Nielsen, G.A.
1992/106 Gulf
The lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) resource in Atlantic Canada
Chouinard, G.A.
Hurlbut, T.
Morin, R.B.
Baird, J.W.
Bishop, C.A.
1992/107 Newfoundland & Labrador
A review of hydroacoustic surveys conducted during winter for 2J3KL cod, 1987-1992
Baird, J.W.
Stevens, C.R.
Murphy, E.F.
1992/108 Maritimes
Update of the Scotian Shelf shrimp fishery - 1992
Butler, M.A.E.
Robert, G.
1992/109 Gulf
Évaluation de l'état du stock de crabe des neiges (Chionoecetes opilio) dans le sud-ouest du golfe du Saint-Laurent (zone 12) en 1992
Hébert, M.E.
Chiasson, Y.
Mallet, P.
DeGrâce, P.
Gallant, C.
Moriyasu, M.
1992/110 Gulf
Assessment of Prince Edward Island (zone 25 and 26) snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) stock for 1992
Chiasson, Y.
Gallant, C.
DeGrâce, P.
Moriyasu, M.
1992/111 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps
Bishop, C.A.
Murphy, E.F.
1992/112 Newfoundland & Labrador
A review of stock status - 2GH cod
Murphy, E.F.
Bishop, C.A.
Baird, J.W.
1992/113 Newfoundland & Labrador
A review of stock status - 3NO and 3Ps haddock
Bishop, C.A.
Murphy, E.F.
1992/114 Newfoundland & Labrador
A review of stock status - 3Ps pollock
Bishop, C.A.
Murphy, E.F.
1992/115 Maritimes
Larval settlement patterns of the giant scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) in Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick
Robinson, S.M.C.
Martin, J.D.
Chandler, R.A.
Parsons, G.L.
Couturier, C.Y.
1992/116 Maritimes
The extent and importance of rockweed as a habitat for finfish, shellfish, and other species
Mann, K.H.
1992/117 Quebec
Effet de l'augmentation de la taille des casiers sur l'effort de pêche et le taux d'exploitation des stocks de homard Homarus americanus sur les côtes du Québec  
Gendron, L.
Dallaire, J.-P.
1992/118 Gulf
Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery assessment for western Cape Breton in 1992
Chiasson, Y.
Hébert, M.E.
Moriyasu, M.
1992/119 Maritimes
Georges Bank cod and haddock ageing workshop
Buzeta, M.-I.
Hunt, J.J.
VanEeckhaute, L.
Munroe, N.
1992/120 Quebec
The analysis of comparative trawl selectivity experiments
Gagnon, P.
1992/121 Maritimes
Evaluating trends in catch rate from voluntary fishing logs in the Nova Scotia lobster fishery
Tremblay, M.J.
Rodger, R.S.
Pezzack, D.S.
1992/122 Newfoundland & Labrador
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) egg-to-smolt survival in Newfoundland rivers
O'Connell, M.F.
Dempson, J.B.
Gibson, R.J.
1992/123 Newfoundland & Labrador
Stock-recruit relationships for Atlantic salmon from Western Arm Brook, Newfoundland
Chaput, G.
Mullins, C.C.
Chadwick, E.M.P.
1992/124 Gulf
Stock-recruit relationship for multi-sea-winter salmon from the Margaree River, N.S.
Chaput, G.
Jones, R.A.
1992/125 Quebec
Relation entre le nombre d'oeufs déposés et la production de saumonneaux dans les rivières de la Trinité et Bec-Scie
Caron, F.

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