MSC50 Wind and Wave Climate Hindcast

Hourly wind and wave time series data from MSC/Oceanweather hindcast models are available by request from Fisheries and Oceans. Value added OSMOSIS products are available from Environment Canada MSC Applied Climatology Services ( on a cost-recovery basis. Selected atlas products from the original AES40 and MSC50 hindcasts are available from Oceanweather.

Hindcast Data Availability
Please use the following to identify the grid point data you wish to request
MSC Hindcast Domain Inventory Geographic Extent Temporal Extent
40.00N - 75.00N
43.00W - 80.00W
1954-01 to 2018-12
Northeast Pacific GROW-Fine TXT
47.19N - 56.56N
124.38W - 145.00W
1980-01 to 2015-12
69.45N - 72.00N
126.00W - 142.50W
1970-01 to 2018-12
Davis Strait and Baffin Bay TXT
52.10N - 78.5N
45.25W - 79.5W
1979-01 to 2018-12

MSC50 Atlantic

MSC50 is an update to the AES40 hindcast. A shallow version of the OWI-3G is applied to 0.1 degree grid covering much of the Canadian Maritimes and 0.5 degree grid to the North Atlantic basin. Presently the hindcast covers the period from 1954-2018.

Northeast Pacific GROW-Fine

The GROW-Fine hindcast is a follow-on to the MSC50 Atlantic hindcast which addresses the Northeast Pacific Ocean. The hindcast is archived 3-hourly for the period 1980-2015 and includes shallow water effects and tropical cyclones.

Beaufort Grow-Fine

The GROW Fine Arctic Hindcast is Oceanweather's comprehensive metocean study of the Arctic Sea. The hindcast covers the period from 1970-2018, wave spectra is available at select locations.

Davis Strait and Baffin Bay

Oceanweather’s high resolution MSC50 Atlantic and OWI’s 3G wave model were used to extend north to Davis Strait, encompassing both the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay. The hindcast covers the period from 1979-2018, wave spectra is available at select locations.

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