REM Tides and Water Levels Benchmarks Data Base set pagesize 100 set linesize 240 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMMENTS ON TABLES AND COLUMNS ----------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT ON TABLE sta IS 'Tide or Water Level Gauging Station'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.account IS 'Owner in database of record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.station_number IS 'MEDS station number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.station_name IS 'MEDS name attached to the Station Number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.lat_degrees IS 'Latitude degrees'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.lat_minutes IS 'Latitude minutes'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.lat_seconds IS 'Latitude seconds.decimal_seconds '; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.lat_hem IS 'Latitude North or South '; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.long_degrees IS 'Longitude degrees'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.long_minutes IS 'Longitude minutes'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.long_seconds IS 'Longitude seconds.decimal_seconds'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.long_hem IS 'Longitude East or West '; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.latitude IS 'Latitude +ve North'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.longitude IS 'Longitude +ve East'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.established IS 'Date the gauging station was established'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.province IS 'Located in province (in list)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.region IS 'CHS Regional office responsible for the gauging station'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Located in country'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.ownership IS 'Organization or Agency responsible for the gauging'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.status IS 'status of the gauging station (in list)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.tide_table_volume IS 'The volume number of the CHS Tide Tables that the gauging station appears in (in list)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.reference_station IS 'The tidal reference station tagged to the gauging station'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.memo IS 'Inserted comments regarding the gauging station'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.DBE_TIME IS 'record entry date/time'; COMMENT ON COLUMN sta.DBU_TIME IS 'record update date/time'; ----------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT ON TABLE mon IS 'Station Monument'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.account IS 'Owner in database of record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.station_number IS 'MEDS station number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.benchmark_number IS 'Benchmark number stamped on the monument or used in the field records'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.unique_number IS 'NRCan style unique number assigned to the monument'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.lat_degrees IS 'Latitude degrees'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.lat_minutes IS 'Latitude minutes'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.lat_seconds IS 'Latitude seconds.decimal_seconds '; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.lat_hem IS 'Latitude North or South '; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.long_degrees IS 'Longitude degrees'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.long_minutes IS 'Longitude minutes'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.long_seconds IS 'Longitude seconds.decimal_seconds'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.long_hem IS 'Longitude East or West '; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.latitude IS 'Latitude +ve North'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.longitude IS 'Longitude +ve East'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.benchmark_description IS 'Written description of the monument location'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.year_established IS 'Year that the monument was physically established'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.monument_type IS 'descriptor indicating the type of monument'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.setting IS 'descriptor indicating how the monument is installed'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'agency that installed the monument'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.DBE_TIME IS 'record entry date/time'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mon.DBU_TIME IS 'record update date/time'; ----------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT ON TABLE ele IS 'Elevation'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.account IS 'Owner in database of record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.station_number IS 'MEDS station number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.benchmark_number IS 'Benchmark number stamped on the monument or used in the field records'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.unique_number IS 'NRCan style unique number assigned to the monument'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.datum_name IS 'Indicate on what datum the monument elevation is based (in list)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.dn_epoch IS 'Date when the DATUM_NAME was first established'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.status IS 'To indicate that DATUM_NAME and DN_EPOCH are still in effect (in list)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.elevation IS 'Elevation referenced to the DATUM_NAME'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.elevation_acc IS 'Qualifier to identify the accuracy of the ELEVATION'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.hyd_corr IS 'hydraulic correction factor applicable to water level elevations on IGLD85'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.hyd_corr_epoch IS 'the year the HYD_CORR became effective'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.holding_benchmark IS 'Is monument the holding benchmark for a gauging site (Y/N)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.DBE_TIME IS 'record entry date/time'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ele.DBU_TIME IS 'record update date/time'; ----------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT ON TABLE img IS 'Benchmark Sketch'; COMMENT ON COLUMN img.account IS 'Owner in database of record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN img.station_number IS 'MEDS station number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN img.status IS 'indicates whether the sketch is still in effect (in list)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN img.graphic IS 'image of benchmark sketch'; COMMENT ON COLUMN img.DBE_TIME IS 'record entry date/time'; COMMENT ON COLUMN img.DBU_TIME IS 'record update date/time'; ----------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT ON TABLE dat IS 'Datum of Elevations'; COMMENT ON COLUMN dat.account IS 'Owner in database of record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN dat.station_number IS 'MEDS station number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN dat.elevation IS 'datum of elevations in metres above Chart Datum'; COMMENT ON COLUMN dat.epoch IS 'year the datum of elevations was established'; COMMENT ON COLUMN dat.status IS 'status of the datum of elevations (in list)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN dat.memo IS 'comment field'; COMMENT ON COLUMN dat.DBE_TIME IS 'record entry date/time'; COMMENT ON COLUMN dat.DBU_TIME IS 'record update date/time'; ----------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT ON TABLE alt IS 'alternate_names'; COMMENT ON COLUMN alt.account IS 'Owner in database of record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN alt.station_number IS 'MEDS station number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN alt.alt_name IS 'alternate name tagged to a single station number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN alt.DBE_TIME IS 'record entry date/time'; COMMENT ON COLUMN alt.DBU_TIME IS 'record update date/time'; ----------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT ON TABLE nrc IS 'NRCAN Elevations'; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.account IS 'Owner in database of record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.station_number IS 'MEDS station number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.benchmark_number IS 'Benchmark number stamped on the monument or used in the field records'; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.unique_number IS 'NRCan style unique number assigned to the monument'; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.cgvd28_elevation IS ' '; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.navd88_elevation IS ' '; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.xorder IS ' '; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.method IS ' '; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.published IS 'Year published'; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.DBE_TIME IS 'record entry date/time'; COMMENT ON COLUMN nrc.DBU_TIME IS 'record update date/time'; 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